Rawdon District School
Grades: PP-6
3713 Highway 354, Upper Rawdon, NS B0N 2N0
Phone: (902) 632-6660 Fax: (902) 632-6662
Principal: Megan Logan
Administrative Assistant: Katie Brown-Rhyno
Pre Primary: A. Cottingham
Grade Primary/One: Y. Phalen
Grade One: S. Manning
Grade Two: G. Greenough
Grade Three: W. Butler
Grade Four/Five: V. Macumber
Grade Five/Six: C. White
Phys. Ed: S. Lycan
Music: L. Bowman
French: T. MacDonald
Learning Support: S. Mahar
Early Literacy Support: E. Leistra
School Counsellor: A. MacDonald
How to Get Here:
From Truro:
Take Exit 8 off the 102 and turn right. Travel 32 km, going through the flashing lights intersection which is approximately 28 km from Elmsdale. You will see a Hillbilly Auto Savage Yard and across from this on the right there is an unmarked road. Turn down this road and turn left at the stop Rawdon District Elementary is on your right.
From Halifax:
Take Exit 8 off the 102 and turn left. Travel 32 km, going through the flashing lights intersection which is approximately 28 km from Elmsdale. You will see a Hillbilly Auto Savage Yard and across from this on the right there is an unmarked road. Turn down this road and turn left at the stop Rawdon District Elementary is on your right.